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Three Common Themes

1. Most Common Media Consumption: Music and Games


One of the most common theme which I came across while visiting my fellow classmates website is that the music and games are the most common media consumed by most of us. The inference which I draw from this observation is that the music and games media is most loved by our generation.


2. Structure of Media Consumption Section


Secondly, the most common theme which I found out was the structure in which my classmates have mentioned about their media consumption.There is a common pattern for most of the websites I visited. The pattern is as follows: at first there is a name of the media , followed by the genres which is then led by the instances of that genre.


3. Common passion for taking up this course


Lastly, I observed that most of the students have common interest and passion for taking up this course. Most of the students have taken up this course in order to explore and learn the interconnection between technology and new forms of communication and how interventions of computers impact medias. 



After visiting several websites, I believe that one thing which I would like to add to my media categorization is the consumption of social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Facebook) which is one of the important media consumption in my day-to-day life. Apart from this, I would also like to add the types of media I generate, for example, writing emails, creating and editing videos. 

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